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Moon appointment raises red flags

Republican appointee connected to corruption and scandal ridden Jamie Noel   

NEW ALBANY, April 24, 2024 – Erica Lawrence, Floyd County Democratic Party Vice Chair, made the following statement regarding the appointment of Charlie Moon as the Franklin Township Trustee:

 “Republican Party leadership in Floyd County have sunk to a new low in the appointment of Charlie Moon as the Franklin Township Trustee. Moon’s appointment raises significant red flags – a criminal history of theft expunged to hide it from public view; a deep association with former Republican Chair Jamie Noel who is facing multiple counts of fraud, theft, and public misconduct; and his own involvement in the Noel case as a subpoenaed party.

 Moon’s motivations and his connection to Noel have also been questioned as the led plaintiff in a lawsuit seeking to remove County Council Woman Denise Konkle from public office. The center accusation being that Moon’s actions were devised as a punitive scheme for Konkle voting against the continuation of the New Chapel’s EMS contract with Floyd County.    

 Moon will now be responsible for the administration and management of $245,000 according to information recorded in Indiana’s Gateway system. The central question taxpayers should be asking is why would they place an individual with such a questionable background in charge of a quarter million dollars?

 This appointment continues a pattern of reckless and irresponsible behavior on the part of the GOP and its local officials. 

 Enough is enough. Now more than ever Floyd County citizens deserve better with new leadership in Floyd County.”   


Adam Dickey